Xteq Systems X-Setup

Keyboard Shortcuts

This is a list of key combinations you can use to access common functions, without using the mouse.

Key:Action performed:
F1Opens the help file.
F3Opens the Search dialog.
F5Refreshes X-Setup's cache (see File Menu topic for more information).
F8Moves to the next plug-in in the tree (and activates it).
Ctrl + F8Moves to the previous plug-in in the tree (and activates it).
F9Applies changes made in a plug-in (or moves to the next page in Wizard mode).
F12Opens the Options dialog.
Up ArrowMoves the the previous plug-in (but doesn't activate it).
Down ArrowMoves the the next plug-in (but doesn't activate it).
Left ArrowExpands a branch in the tree.
Right ArrowCollapses a branch in the tree.
EnterActivates the currently selected plug-in.
TABMoves between plug-in tree, selected options and Apply Changes button (or Back and Next buttons in Wizard Mode).
Page Up / HomeMoves to the item at the top of the tree ("All X-Setup Plug-ins").
Page Down / EndMoves to the item at the bottom of the tree.
BackspaceMoves to the previous branch in the tree.

You can also use ALT keys on the menus like you would do in any Windows application, and when editing text the normal key combinations also apply, such as Ctrl + Z for Undo, Ctrl + X for Cut, Ctrl + C for Copy, Ctrl + V for Paste and Ctrl + A for Select All. Note: Ctrl + Z only 'undoes' what you have typed; it does not reverse any changes you make to your system!

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